My Phd Projects

Understanding decision-maker’s needs in the multi-objective decision making (human-AI interactions)

In this project, I aim to understand human’s needs for explainability within multi-objective decision making. This was done by reviewing currently existing methods to support the decision-makers in this field, as well as conducting interviews with the decision-makers to understand their needs. Based on the interviews, I analyze them to find common approaches used by practitioners using qualitative analysis tools.

Unification and modularization of water management systems simulations for direct application with Reinforcement Learning

The goal of this project is to create a suite of water mamagement-related Mo-GYM environments for training reinforcement learning agents with multipe objectives. These environments simulate problems related to managing reservoirs around the world. Currently, the number of environments for MORL available is limited and represents mostly toy-examples. With the suite of water management-related environments, it will be possible to test different MORL algorithms on real-world examples with high impact. The modular framework will also allow researchers from water management to build their simulations in an easier, unified manner